Willie the Lizard and both of his Spies were at the party, is that a surprise? Willie and Lizard and both of his Spies were the party surveillance and party procurers, despite all the tries, I tell you no lies.
They found Cyclops on the floor. They found Cyclops by the door. The found him by the punch bowl. They found him for that was their goal.
This time, they were three over to find, the Lizard named Wilie and the Spying kind. They found him in the curtain of all the commotion and they made a motion for him to follow with devotion.
Somewhere at the party was a surprise for all thirty-eight eyes. Somewhere there was something to remark at, with groin face and with questions. They had something to show him, and it was a her and thin.
“We caught her and brought her and now she’s all yours,” said Willie the Lizard and Spies two and thirds.
There’s a cage in the corner of the amazing party universe garden. There’s a cage in a corner in a corner see the cage. There’s a cage with forty bars that you can see with forty eyes, or with thirty eight and an eyepatch so you know those bars aren’t lies.
There’s a cage in a corner and a movie star is in it, there’s a cage with a starlet and her dress strap has slid down. There’s a cage in the corner and the star, inhabiting it, and the star who is inside it has a face completely frown.
In the cage is Dingy Bahsome, Cyclops knows it from the TV, she is swearing and she has that face but now her place is Star Town. Here’s the hotel high up party and the special guest is found here and she’s in her cage and she’s in a rage and her name is Dingy Bahsome.
“Dingy Bahsome,” said the Cyclops with his eyes of thirty-eight.
“Oh, my god, look what the cat dragged,” said the Bahsome, full of hate. And Dingy’s body was a crazy quilt of smooth gold Brancusi birds.
Oh, to be in the presence of Dingy Bahsome, for this was indeed the real present presence of her and not the TV presence of her from channel to channel. There was her body before him, tho she was trapped in a cage, but she moved like an automatic, she moved like a cloth brought to life by movie lighting.
Willie the Lizard was talking about how he and the Spies caught her in a church of clothes store and how they set the leg trap with a fur coat and how those ankle wounds will eventually scab over, but nobody is listening, not Dingy, not Cyclops.
And here she was, the one of a personality person that Cyclops had sought so long, the specter of image that he wanted to hold and to turn himself inside outside to become. To blue blur his body with hers in limbo, to shoot together, and their speaks and weasels and sparks and waves and she was she and he was he but still they stood so far apart, the bars of steel were teeth that breathed every ounce of the air between them, out and in, as steel as the night.
“Oh, Dingy Bahsome, you don’t know what this means,” and he started telling her about his two tours of surgery war, and what she meant to him and his face.
“Two tours?” she asked like said as a matter of fact.
“Two tours? I’m a veteran of forty tours of surgery war,” she said from behind her breasts of melon and her cheeks of apple. “And let me tell you, and you can take it from me, that the best tour of all is tour forty-three.” The moment she said this she caught herself, she stopped and held tight to her mouth as if something was coming out that she could not control.
Maybe the awkward silence made Cyclops awkward, too. I do not know how to say it otherwise. And also were watching: Willie and Spies.
“This is not my real face. I must show you my real face,” said Cyclops, daring his underwear into amazing action.
Some of the other party goers had gathered around the cage and the Spies were leading them in a chant of “Poke out her eyes, poke out her eyes,” the spies, the spies say, “Give her your eyes, give her your eyes,” the spies, the spies and the partying gals and guys said.
Dingy Bahsome is a real honest to goodness in Star Town. The people of the party and the party of the people are ready to eat her up, to eat her up. They are chanting and they are calling and they are great big rubber balling and they are getting up and falling.
Cyclops is a vision one, he holds himself up as if he were air, his tousle may be his head of hair, but here is his wish, spread out in a dish. Here is the real with bars of steel. Somehow in all the commotion and motion and ocean of bodies and chanting of steel he will undo his pants to show his real face for real.
And here is no carrot nose but a real snot nose for a swinger, and two eyes for balls. Here is butthole for mouth meaning but to see it clearly you must be leaning.
Dingy Bahsome saw the usual face in the unusual pants place and she lost her lung, she vomited some crackers and spread. The vomit made her loud enough and so she said enough: “You’re all nothing but a bunch of rhyming fascists!”
Cyclops thought, but did not say aloud or proud or short or tall, “If you are already a star, Dingy Bahsome, and the best of all possible you is in somebody else’s shoes, then who is the best of all possible you?”
And he thought this thought in the party light while Dingy did her gorilla act with the bars of her cage. There was fright and there was rage and it went on all night and in the next dage. But the mind of Cyclops went round and round and he no longer had a Philosorapter to clear his mind ways, and so he thought sideways.
And then he knew it like a hunch, and then he knew it like lunch. For Cyclops, it was once again back to surgery war, for surgery war was his more in store.