Monday, April 16, 2007


Join in now with the citizens of Pome Town, and their shoe or shoes, as they sing “The Song of Ending and Saying Story GoodBye.”

Sing we all about ourselves

And who we want to be

Let us see the picture that

We want others to see

Let us hold unreasonable

Images of us

That is fine as long as we

Don’t make such a big fuss

We must walk in those footsteps

Then we’re sure to know

What to do and what to see

And nice places to go

Cyclops used to be a her

Now he is a shoe

If your attention span is short

Such change might be for you

When we get so bored and tired

Of our own same skin

We can change our life like clothes

If we are made of tin

So the lesson of our tale

Comes to you real cheap

If you want flexibility

Don’t be very deep.

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